This is the redeemed Church were Vera Omazuwa was killed. The Church is not an uncompleted building.
The Church has doors, meaning that the Church is usually locked at the end of the day's business.
Have we asked to know how she managed to go into a locked Church?
Have we tried to find out who opened the Church for her?
If she was raped, then, who is, or are the eyewitness(es) that witnessed the rape?
Are you sure that the rape story is not a distraction?
What if she was killed because she discovered a deadly secret, involving a prominent leader or member of the Church in the dead of the night, within the Church premises?
Another discovery there is the number of books she went with to the Church. I can count up to 9 books on the floor. Did she went with all those books to read at once that night?
The police should also check to know if those books belong to her.