You may not know this shocking fact…

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You may not know this shocking fact…

But Melania Trump would NEVER touch a fad diet of any kind.

Juicing? Atkins? Keto? Slim Fast? Not her thing.

In fact, she indulges in ice cream… chocolates… and chicken parmesan.

Nothing is off-limits for our First Lady.

And yet, she looks great.

So how is it that she still looks so fabulous?

Well, in the past 2 years, accomplished women like Mrs. Trump have taken to using THIS “7-Day Fat Buster”... 

Because this breakthrough:

✓    STOPS the production of your fat cells in as little as 7 days… 

✓    MELTS off the fat trapped under your chin… in your bulging belly… and all other problem areas… 

✓    RESTORES your youthful and slender body (WARNING: your girlfriends will get envious).

… WITHOUT making you slave away to the gym… undergo expensive surgeries… or starve yourself.

See how it works ==> Click here now to see this, “7-Day Fat Buster”... and fight back against that nagging “flab.”

You should also know that it’s perfect for busy moms.


To your healthy mind and body,

The Health Collective
(David Riley, Ben Carter, David McKenna, Bryce Hammond)



Featured Article by Dr. Ryan Shelton, N.M.D.


5 Ways To Stay Busy While In Isolation 


Hi, it’s Dr. Ryan Shelton…


With times as they are right now with people everywhere in isolation, it may feel a little like madness. How can you stay inside all day and not lose your mind?


It’s important that you first do understand the importance of remaining a physical distance away from as many people as you possibly can. This is the critical thing we can all do right now to keep this from lasting as long any longer than it has to.


But that now begs the answer to the question, how do you spend your time? How can you pass the days while remaining at home?


Here a few things to consider.


Start A Home Workout Program 


If you’ve been putting off getting fit for a number of weeks or months now, right now could just be the time. Many people use the excuse that they’re too busy to maintain a fitness plan but this excuse is no longer valid. At this point, all you have is time so start putting it to use.


While you may have no equipment available therefore your only option is bodyweight exercises, that’s still better than nothing.


Learn To Cook 


With restaurants closed, it’s also the perfect time to really dive in and learn how to cook some gourmet meals. You can easily spend a few hours each night preparing and cooking a meal, so utilize those creative skills. 


Catch Up On Reading 


Resist the urge to fill your next few weeks with as many TV shows as you can. While TV is a great way to potentially pass the time, it’s not the most wise method. Sure, the odd TV show here and there is fine, but focus on using it to catch up on some reading, which enriches your brain far more than TV would and if you choose self-help books, also help better your life as well. 


Deep Clean 


When was the last time you really cleaned the house from top to bottom? When was the last time you pulled out the fridge and cleaned behind it?


Now is the time. Since you’re hyper focused on cleanliness right now anyway, you might as well extend this to your home.


There you have a few things you can be doing right now to maintain your sanity while stuck at home. It can help to come up with a bit of a daily routine for yourself so there is some structure in what you’re doing and it doesn’t feel like an overwhelming endless sea of nothingness. 


To everlasting health, 
Dr. Ryan Shelton, N.M.D.


P.S. How are you filling your time? Hit reply and let me know.


Today’s Affirmation: Tomorrow is a brand new day. A day to make something new of myself - a day to be more.

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