May 21, 2020 All Priests working in the diocese, Religious Men and Women, Lay faithful

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May 21, 2020 All Priests working in the diocese, Religious Men and Women, Lay faithful

Dear Brothers & Sisters in Christ,
Greetings of love and peace in the name of Our Lord and savior Jesus Christ, the King of glory who ascends to take his place in heaven and sends us the Holy Spirit, the advocate who will explain every truth to us.
It is with great joy that I write on behalf of the bishop, catholic diocese of Makurdi, Most Revd Wilfred Anagbe, CMF, to communicate the decision of the State Government in line with the recommendation from the State Action Committee to resume public worship and celebration of the sacraments with EFFECT FROM TODAY MAY 21ST, 2020 in all pastoral units of the diocese.
This has become necessary because, we have to intensify our fight against this deadly virus more with spiritual weapons of prayer and other spiritual observances available by our faith.
However, it is necessary to state that, hence the fight against this virus is not over yet, we still strongly wish to recommend that;
1. Pastors and heads of units should make it a point of duty to continue to enlighten the people on the need to observe the rules put in place for their safety and the safety of others by washing hands regularly, maintaining social distance from each other as well as constant use of face mask by all.
2. Parishes with large congregations should multiply masses in order to enable people maintain the required social distance of two meters apart while in Church.
3. Masses, especially Sunday masses should not last for more than one hour.
4. Running water, detergents and hand sanitizers should be kept in all pastoral units for compulsory washing of hands at all entrance points of Churches, halls, gates, and office entries.
5. Laying of hands at mass and other paraliturgical activities should be kept on hold for the time being.
6. Extraordinary care still has to taken in the case of sick calls and must as a matter of necessity be accompanied by a medical personnel.
7. Shaking of hands or hugging during kiss of peace at mass and at other times even outside the Church should still be suspended for now.
8. Holy Communion shall be received ONLY on the palms.
Let me use this opportunity to appreciate you all for the tremendous cooperation with the local church and the government towards curbing the tide of this unimaginable situation that we have found ourselves.
May Our Mother of Perpetual Help continue to intercede for us and the whole human family.
Happy Solemnity of ascension.
Yours in Fraternal service,
Revd Fr Ortese Jude ORTESE, CSSp
Chancellor, Catholic Diocese of Makurdi.

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